Artificial Rain in Lahore

Pioneering Breakthrough: Punjab Government Harnesses Artificial Rain to Combat Smog

The recent implementation of an innovative artificial rain experiment in Lahore has yielded promising results, significantly ameliorating the city’s Air Quality Index (AQI) on Sunday. Prior to this groundbreaking initiative, Lahore grappled with severe pollution issues, ranking as the sixth most polluted city globally with an AQI of 189. The pivotal experiment took place the […]

Difference Between Remodeling and Renovating

What’s the Difference Between Remodeling and Renovating?

Real estate, contracting, and interior design often use the words “renovate” and “remodel” interchangeably. Although these terms may seem similar, they actually mean very different things for professionals in these industries. Renovations refer to restoring something to its former state, while remodels refer to creating something new. In general, the differences between the two are […]

What are the building materials used in construction

What are the building materials used in construction?

Materials used in building? Construction materials refer to any substances utilized in the creation of structures. Examples of such materials encompass wood, concrete, steel, cement, bricks, clay, and metal. Historically, singular materials like bricks or wood were exclusively employed. However, contemporary engineering involves combining diverse materials to enhance structural robustness. The selection of materials is […]

What components make a good architecture plan

What components make a good architecture plan?

An Architectural Harmony Site Plan The architects begin by deciphering the distinctive features of the site during the initial stages. Sunlight, wind patterns, and views are taken into consideration. Building placement is optimized for both sustainability and aesthetic balance while preserving existing structures and natural elements. As part of the site planning process, we discuss […]